Sunday, April 10, 2011

Red Letter Day

I have a running joke with my friend Rachel that I need to quit my job, move to a foreign county, and become independently wealthy so I can FINALLY work on my blog. Since I am not independently wealthy, quitting my job isn't really a viable option. And since I can't quit my job and I like my life in San Fran, I can't really up and move to a foreign where does that leave me? Well one out of four ain't bad...

I have always loved fashion and style since I was a little girl and started reading the Baby Sitters Club series (Claudia Kishi and her ah-mazing lavendar overalls anyone?). The obsession continued after watching Clueless and becoming completely devoted to knee socks and Contempo Casuals. Lucy!!! Where's my white collarless  shirt from Fred Seeegaaalll?!!! I love trying new trends, but often look to movies, artists, historical figures and books for fashion inspiration. At this time in my life, I love reading my favorite bloggers for ideas and learning about their unique personal style. Thus, I have decided to jump into the blogger ocean and try my best to swim with the best of them! Or at least slowly float along at a slow tortoise like pace.



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